Mission Statement

Temple Dance is committed to serving God by offering quality instruction in classical ballet and dance education within a Christ-centered environment. We want this to inspire the body of Christ and raise a generation of worshipers through dance.

Dress Code

Approved Attire:

  • Leotards may be any color or style. Ballet skirts are allowed.

  • Pink, footed tights

  • Pink ballet shoes

  • Black tap shoes

  • Temple Dance T-Shirt and black leggings may be worn in place of leotards and tights.

    Temple Tots and Preschoolers attending Temple’s Learning Depot MUST wear their Temple Dance T-Shirt and black leggings on dance days!


  • Ages 2-7 may wear their hair in a bun or ponytail

  • Ages 8+ MUST wear their hair in a bun

Dance Bags:

All dancers are required to bring a labeled dance bag to class. We are not responsible for any lost, misplaced, or stolen items. All personal items are to remain inside dance bags at all times. Parents, please check you child’s dance bag after every class! We will often send important notes, newsletters, and updates home in their dance bags.


Tuition is due on the 1st of every month. All fees must be kept current to allow attendance. Payments made after the 20th of the month will result in dancer being withdrawn from class.

Tuition can be made by the following:

  • Online through RecDesk (account setup required)

    • Payments can be done at one time or broken into monthly installments.

  • Check (made payable to Temple Baptist Church, Memo: Temple Dance)

  • Cash

Drop- off and Pick-up is provided at the 5220 drive through entrance. Students will be escorted from the lobby of 5220 before and after each class. Students that are late for class will need to enter the 5220 lobby with an adult and must be escorted to the dance studio upstairs.

Drop off begins 10 minutes before each class.

Arrival and Departure

Car Sign

Temple Dance car signs (2 per student) will be issued at the beginning of the dance year. YOU MUST HAVE THIS SIGN VISIBLE WHEN PICKING UP YOUR DANCER!

Additional signs will be provided upon request.

If you wish to wait for your dancer inside 5220 Cafe’, please present your sign to the 5220 Welcome Desk upon entering. Your sign must be visible at all times while you are inside the building.

Class Observation is provided in December and May for you to enjoy watching your child’s progress. Dates TBA.


Annual performances will be held in May. With the exception of Temple Tots, all dancers will be fitted for two costumes for this performance (one ballet, one tap). Costumes are ordered in December. Costumes are $100 total for ages 3-8 and $120 for ages 9+. Half deposits are due by December 1st and the remaining balance is due by March 1st. There is no refund for costume fees!

Temple Tots do not pay a costume fee. For the May performance, Temple Tots must wear a pink leotard and pink tights.


Absence from class DOES NOT reduce your monthly tuition fee. Missed lessons can be made up within the same month of absence with the approval of Ms. Lynn.


Dancers MUST be prepared before class begins! We ask that all dancers are in their proper attire, hair fixed, and ready to work when class time begins.


One thing we know about the weather in South Mississippi is that it’s often unpredictable. In the event of bad weather, Temple Dance will follow the direction of Temple Baptist Church and 5220 as it relates to building closures and class cancellations. We will notify you immediately if there is a change in the schedule.

Bad Weather Policy

All items left at the end of the day will be collected and placed in the Dance Office. Any unclaimed items at the end of the season will be donated or thrown away. Contact Ms. Lynn if you believe your dancer has lost something.

Lost and Found

NO FOOD OR DRINK allowed in the dance studio! Please make sure your dancer snacks before or after her dance time. Water will be available at the fountains before and after class time.

Food and Drink

We utilize GroupMe for individual class communications and announcements. Please make sure to download the GroupMe app prior to classes beginning. Pictures, Newsletters, Class Cancellations, General Announcements, etc., will be sent through GroupMe.


We encourage positive teacher, child, and parent relationships. If a problem arises, feel free to discuss it with us.

Questions or Concerns